If you are thinking of starting your own vegetable garden, then good news! You just took one step to save Mother Earth by growing your own crops! Growing your own crops means putting food on the table later on. And since you are growing your own food, you can be assured that they are organic and all-natural!

Since you are growing edible food, you should do all that you can to ensure that you are going to harvest high-quality crops. Doing some research is one of these things. And one of the areas that you should read up on is the proper way to water a vegetable garden.

Vegetable garden watering tips

Start with good-quality soil

Before we start with watering, you need to know the importance of starting with healthy, good-quality soil. Without it, all your watering efforts will be put to waste. The soil must be able to retain water so that the plants will be hydrated most of the day. Add some compost or mulch to the soil where you plan to set up your garden regularly. This will improve the soil’s water retention.

Know the best watering schedule

If you are planting from the ground, the general rule to water your vegetables three times each week. If you are starting with seedlings, you should water them twice a day.

If you are planting your vegetables on a container, you should water them once every day. The fact that they are containers means that the soil will not able to retain a lot of water. To help, you can place something below the pot or container to ensure that the water will not seep out immediately.

What time should you water your vegetable garden?

It is always best to do your watering early in the day while your plants are already bathed with morning dew. It is discouraged to water your plants at night since the leaves will stay wet for a longer period. This can cause disease problems in the long run.

What if you cannot wake up early in the morning? Then use your stainless steel garden hose reel in the evening and make sure that you only water the soil – do not let the plant get wet. Working with a hose will give you more control maneuvering around the plants and making sure the foliage will not be wet.

Never water during the middle of the day where the sun is at its peak. Your plants will suffer from water loss because the water will evaporate quickly.

Check if you provided enough water

The best way to ensure that you were able to give enough water is to feel the soil with your fingers. When the soil sticks to your fingers and you can form it into a ball, it has enough moisture. But if the soil could not hold a ball form, it means that it needs some more water. Check if you can penetrate at least an inch below the surface. If the soil is dry, it definitely needs more water.

Last Thoughts

Knowing how to water your vegetable garden properly is the key so you can harvest fresh and nutritious vegetables! Do not start one without a plan like most newbie home gardeners do.

With the watering tips discussed above, your vegetable garden will not only look great all year long but will also keep on producing tasty treats for you and your family!


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